New Potions System

You can now cook potions with the insects in your inventory
Go on your Profile > Cooking. You will see the list of the potions to cook, with their ingredients and their difficulty to cook.
To cook them, you will need to buy at list one flask. To do so, go on Shop > Potions. The ingredients needed to cook the potion are the insects that you can find in game. You need to catch them with a bug net to use them in a potion.
To avoid to fail a potion, you must use a Repellent Ointment or a Flask of Stardust.
To use a potion, go on your Profile > Inventory and place a potion in one of the 3 free spaces. A potion can be used only once.
Potions can give you bonus at spawn, such as start the game with woods, stone, gold or food. You can also use a potion to tame more easily animals in game. You can also gather more Golden Apples or your pets can level up faster.