Artwork Competition

As the sun sets on our birthday festivities, the moon rises, covering the land in darkness.
That's right, it's that time of year again, where ghouls, ghastlies, and all things that go bump in the night come out to play.
Sharpen your stakes and pencils, for I fear that this contest's theme is spooky/fall/harvest! May the spirit of Halloween flow through your bones into your terrifying creations! Also the potions fit the theme.
Make a drawing on the Spooky, Fall, or Harvest theme
- Must be related
- Must include Spooky/Fall/Harvest (means you can do all or one)
- Draw at least one animal from
- You can draw on a paper or on your computer
- Add your game id in your submission (the number next to your username)
- Post only one drawing per person. If you make another one that you think is better, delete the previous one
- You can post your artwork on Discord on the link below, or on Reddit using the flair "Artwork Competition".