Artwork Competition

The mischievous kid named Winter,who bullied Tamons and Tamers with the coldness, is now going home. We are hearing the footsteps of Mr. Spring, the glorious gentleman who gives us the warmth so that we can enjoy ourselves in the nature without the fear of the coldness.
To celebrate the arrival of the Spring, we hold a new Artwork Competition! Hold your pen to welcome him with your masterpiece! The theme is Spring / Nature.
Join the official Discord server of with clicking the yellow button below and check the #artwork-competition channel to post your masterpiece!
- Add your game id in your submission (the number next to your username)
- Post only one design per person. If you make another one that you think is better, delete the previous one
The 12 best artworks for the event will be picked, and a prize will be handed out to the winners! If you want your prize faster type your taming ID on your post (not in your artwork please!) You also win the Artwork competition winner Role in the Discord server!

Tamon's Trivia
By the way, have you ever wondered where your original meals go while your squirrel gives you hazelnuts instead? They are actually purchasing the meals for their family so that they can save food in order to survive the next winter!
Also, have you ever wondered where the stones you collected go after you die? Some of them are sent as the ingredient of cans to the S.C.F.(Squirrels' Canning Factory) where purchased food is canned to prevent it from rotting!